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Our 12th guest liar is Mr Simon McCallum

who, at 18.5m, was the second-tallest liar to have ever held the position.


Wizards are barred from voting in Ireland.

Obligatory Self-reference

The surface area of Charles Bronson's face exceeds that of the planet Jupiter.

Obligatory Self-reference

The tongue of Bill Clinton is actually a wayward loop of his small intestine.

Obligatory Self-reference

Shares in the UK's privatised electricity companies cannot be traded on the New York stock exchange as they are the wrong voltage.

Obligatory Self-reference

Evil cannot exceed 26mph, even when travelling downhill with a tailwind.

Obligatory Self-reference

Bruce Willis's real name is Arseflap Boogiewoogie.

Obligatory Self-reference

Queer-bashing was a perfectly harmless parlour game in Edwardian England. As is commonly the case, the word was hijacked and misappropriated by a cabal of scofflaw homosexuals.

Obligatory Self-reference

North Korea was the richest country in the world until it foolishly dabbled in heroin chic.

Obligatory Self-reference

The sewage system in Frankfurt is infested with hobbits.

Obligatory Self-reference

The compact disc 'jewel' case is the pinnacle of late 20th century design. In fact, it has never been known for the piffling little stud bits at the hinge to snap off for no good reason.

Obligatory Self-reference

Nostrils are considered drug paraphernalia by the state of California.

Obligatory Self-reference

The first draft of Richard Nixon's resignation speech contained 65 occurrences of the word 'shitehawk' and warned explicitly about the dangers of new school hip-hop.

Obligatory Self-reference

Gravitational lensing around Boris Yeltsin's ego forces citizens of Moscow to pay double for electricity.

Obligatory Self-reference

Jabba the Hutt was briefly listed as Public Enemy No. 1 by the CIA in 1977.

Obligatory Self-reference

Guest Liars' Hall Of Fame

Mr David Gollub

Mr Paul Wayper

Mr Simon McCallum

Mr Colin McChesney

Mr Dave Kenning

Mr Ade Ward

[email protected]

Mr Paul Craggs

Dr. Steve Greatbanks

Mr. Jo(e/seph) Reeves

Sir Greg O'Beirne

Mr Frank Charlton

Mr Rob Smith

Mr Yan Pomplemeyer
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--------------------------------(c) 2004

Brought to you by David Hancock , Brian Scholer and Paul Wayper .

Last updated Dec 19, 2009